Wikibase.Cloud: favicon.ico?

It would be great to have favicon.ico…
I know this is low priority
but potentially high in joy effect feature
at least for newbies like me :slight_smile:

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At the moment you can set a favicon for a Wikibase.Cloud wiki by uploading a logo. This is alright but would like to be able to upload a separate favicon as well (since the logo can have text that doesn’t scale to super-low resolutions).

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Where does one upload a LOGO and where is info about file format and size-aspect that I should follow?

  1. Go to and go to Dashboard

  2. Log in

  3. Select the gear icon next to the wiki you want to change the logo for

  4. Bottom-left of the page you should have an option to Set Logo. The requirements are that it is a PNG file with square dimensions at least 135 px by 135 px in size.

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It works. Completely failed to notice the change in the icon before.

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